This project is a memorial to represent breaking free from slavery. Slavery could have many definitions. The hands are emerging from the ground together and breaking the chains that were holding them down and the ground around it. One of the hands has a rough texture to represent the ground it was in. It is done in black and white to give emphasis to the shapes. I used plaster, plastic, wood, and a metal chain.

"Heavenly Power"
This drawing is an abstract representation of the parting of the Red Sea as described in the Biblical story of Moses. The picture depicts a heavenly light descending, an abstract figure, and the moment the water rose on each side to create a path of freedom. The foreground is formed of rocks with an abstract “wavy” pattern to mimic the movement of the water. Amid the rocks is the abstract image of the white dove which has a symbolic Christian representation of the power of the Holy Spirit. The drawing is made in charcoal, 24"x36".

I made a gift for some family members, of recreating a photograph into a drawing.
And yes, for the first picture, I did all those dots by hand. Not clicking any duplicate button ;)